Monday 22 April 2019

The Rock Wall Continued

First thing this morning I had a look at the last night's mould. 

It looked pretty good so I trimmed it and glued it into place.

It was a little fragile which caused it to break. Some of the large piece I placed yesterday earlier was coming off the wall. A fair bit of PVA glue was used to stick it all back together.

I came back to it all in the afternoon. The walls were holding together well. I figured that it would be a good time to break out the paints.

When I researched making the rock walls, there were also videos on how to paint them. Basically, you make a wash. Most of the demonstrations were using grey as a base colour. I used a wash of raw sienna as a base colour for sandstone.

A bit of burnt umber was applied next to try and highlight some cracks.

This wash may have been a bit too thin and may was washed off some of the raw sienna.

A bit of gold ochre was dabbed on to add a couple of highlights. The paint had separated in the tube and wasn't that great to use.

In front of the rock wall will be a building but down the uneven edge, I'll glue some lichen. This will stick out from behind the Billabong Marina section and hopefully blend the two bits together. I reckon that I might glue some bits of flock on parts to represent small plants growing.

The section to the left of the rock wall will be a brick retaining wall leading up a bridge or a tunnel portal.

Once that is done, I can finish off the oil depot.

Until next time.

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