Tuesday, 29 October 2019

More Embankment

Over the plaster, I added a wash of gold ochre, burnt umber and black acrylic paints. I painted it on with a brush. It turned out pretty good.

The next step if the houses in the corner. I'll need to try and cut another bit of foam as I think I have taken too much land off one of the houses.

However, with an ops night on Thursday, tomorrow will be a tidying up evening.

Until next time.

Monday, 28 October 2019

More Plaster

I re-plastered the embankment with some think plaster. It maybe too thick, but we'll have to wait and see.

I've ended up smearing the plaster on with gloved fingers. It doesn't look too bad as it is. By the time it's painted and scenery material added it shouldn't look too shabby.

While I was there, I started on the hill with the houses in the corner. I cut some polystyrene using a craft knife and whittled bits of it off until the foam was nicely formed.

It's not in the right place but it's easier to take a photo. One of the houses isn't going to make it from the top image.

What's next?
1. Give the embankment a wash.
2. Add some bushes.
3. Paint the foam.
4. Create some gardens.
5. Fences.
6. Tidy up for an operating session.

Until next time.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

A Bit of Plaster

The last update had points installed. Sine then I've had a couple of operating sessions. Operating sessions do tend to slow down progress. But there has been some.

Around the back of the main freight yard (Boydtown Yard) and underneath Awdry there is an embankment. I've used a a lot of retaining brick wall so far and for the curved section I thought that I would make a plaster rock face.

First I filled some gaps with some scrap foam core boards.

Next I used some masking tape to create a something for the plaster to stick to.

Then I put on some plaster.

Then I used the crumpled alfoil mould method which I had used before. The only problem was that I had poured too much plaster in and made it too thick. I also ran out of plaster as I only bought a small bag.

Now that I've been able to get to a hardware to buy another bag, I'm going to put more plaster on and put my alfoil mould on top of it. That's tomorrow's job. What could possibly go wrong.

I've a operating session coming up this week so I'm hoping it'll be sorted by then.

Until next time.