Today I caught the 7:36 to Central and the 9:15 to Newcastle. After Friday, I won't be able to do that again.
I didn't have my camera out at my local station as the train pulled in. It was a K set made up of original carriages with the low upstairs windows. The train to Newcastle was a refurbished V set with the purple interior.
On the way we passed an Aurizon freight, 1MB7, as it made its way up the Cowan Bank, this was followed by quad 82 class on a coal train and two Danish locos on a container train. Two 81 class locos were pottering about near Cardiff with wheat hoppers. At Broadmeadow Yard three CEY locos were in the sidings. On the way back CM3303, BRM001, CM3302 and BRM002 were at the head of what I think was CA05 in Broadmeadow Yard.
At Newcastle there were a number of other blokes taking photos while they still had the chance.
Here are a selection of photos from today and other times.